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IOPE Air Cushion XP Cover 2013 NEW!!!




From the very first time I met my friend Nic , I always tought her skinbase is amazing! Once, during a dinner I saw her taking off from her makeup bag a little case and retouched her makeup, wasn't a powder or a cream, she introduce me to the world of cushion foundation! A liquid foundation into a soaked sponge, really easy and fast to apply stamping it with an other sponge, dense and flat.After some weeks I bought one to try this kind of product on myself!Iope it's a good korean high end brand and Nic adviced me to try it, she was using with satisfaction the Hera one. Basically we are talking about a multitasking product that is a kind of BB cream that you can use also for primer the skin but also building the coverage as a foundation.I ordered the lightest shade, number 21, in a website that send asiatic brand also in UK, and after a week it was already in my hands.The compact case is bigger than a normal compact powder but has a really elegant, solid, white, glittery design with silver details. I tryed apply this luminous fluid foundation with a brush and work but there is a waste of product, because the brush absorbe a lot than the sponge that came with the cushion foundation. I tryed to wash the application's sponge and was not damaged but should not be washed, and it has a 2 months' life.I found this product really fast to use and quite moisturizing, I like the dewy finish that leave on my skin, usually I fix it with a bit of powder specially in the T-zone and on my cheek bones if I need to contour them with contour powders! I will not recommend this product to really combined to oily skin, but I guess could be really good for mature skin, I would like to get one for my mum as well! I honestly don't recommend this kind of product to my colleagues makeup artist, this product is not designed for a professional use, I find not igienic at all using the cushion on more people, but for my personal beauty bag it's perfect! The price is around £30.00 for 1 cushion foundation and 1 refill of 15 ml each and 2 sponges for the application, so 30 ml in total as a normal price for high-end foundation. I didn't appreciate reading that other brands as Lancome and Kiko has proposed the same product with a quite similar price but just for 10/15 ml.Don't forget to turn your sponge when you think that you're running out, you will find a huge quantity of foundation!Iope foundation contains a +50SPFf, a protection for UVA and UVB; It's avaiable in two shades, 21 Fair and 23 Light, and three finishes: Natural Finish (N), Full Coverage (C), and a Shimmer Finish (S). And you, have you already tried a cushion something? You can find bb/cc cream and different types of foundation in the same format! Let me know wich is your favourite! IVP

Sorry for the irregular lips, this was the YSL Pur Matte lipstick n°206 first tapered with my ring finger and then applied from the bullet!

Fin dalla primissima volta che ho incontrato la mia amica Nic, ho pensato che la sua base trucco fosse meravigliosa. Mesi fa, durante una cena ho visto Nic tirare fuori dal suo beauty da borsetta un prodottino dal packaging allettante, ma non era ne una polvere ne una crema compatta, fu così che mi venne introdotta la tecnologia cuscinetto all'epoca già famosa nei paesi asiatici! Una spugna imbibita di fondotinta liquido, facile e veloce da applicare tamponandolo sul viso con la spugnetta da applicazione, più densa e piatta. (non porosa!)Dopo qualche settimana ne ho acquistata una per provarla sulla mia pelle.Iope è un buon brand di alta profumeria in Corea e Nic me l'ha consigliato caldamente, lei usava con soddisfazione la cushion della Hera. Stiamo parlando di un prodotto multiuso, che è tipo una bb cream, ma può essere adoperata anche come primer e stratificata come un fondotinta.Ho ordinato la tonalità più chiara, la n°21 in un sito che spedisce cosmesi coreana in Inghilterra, e dopo una settimana era già nelle mie manine!Il packaging è più massiccio di una classica cipria ma ha un elegante e solido design bianco microglitterato con rifiniture argentate.Ho provato a stendere il prodotto prelevandolo con un pennello, e malgrado funzioni bene comunque trovo che sprechi troppo prodotto rispetto alla spugnetta in dotazione che non ne assorbe assolutamente. Io ho provato a lavare la spugnetta per l'applicazione e ne è uscita intatta anche se sulle istruzioni dicono non sia lavabile e abbia una durata di soli due mesi!Trovo questo prodotto davvero idratante e veloce da utilizzare, amo l'effetto luminoso ma non lucido che dona alla pelle, anche se di solito applico un velo di cipria sulla zona T e sugli zigomi se devo sfumare un pò di terra da contouring successivamente, onde evitare macchie!Non raccomanderei questo prodotto per pelli oleose o grasse, ma credo possa essere una buona soluzione per alcune pelli mature, infatti medito di comprarlo anche a mia mamma.Onestamente sconsiglio questo tipo di prodotto ai miei colleghi makeup artist, in quanto non destinato all'uso professionale, trovo poco igienico usare un prodotto come questo su più persone, mentre per il mio beauty case personale invece lo trovo perfetto. Il prezzo a cui lo acquistai era di 27 sterline ossia secondo l'attuale valuta 38 euro, per 1 cushion foundation + 1 refill entrambi da 15 ml l'uno e 2 spugnette d'applicazione, un totale di 30ml, quantitativo standard per un fondotinta e prezzo conforme a quelli di alta profumeria che conosciamo.Non ho apprezzato che marchi internazionali quali Kiko e Lancome abbiano riproposto la stessa tipologia di prodotto con un prezzo simile ma un quantitativo di gran lunga inferiore, 10/15ml.Il mio consiglio, qualsiasi cushion stiate utilizzando è di girare la spugnetta quando pensate stia finendo, molto prodotto rimane sul fondo e potrete sfruttarlo al meglio!La Iope Air Cushion contiene una protezione 50 da raggi UVA e UVB, è disponibile in sole 2 tonalità, la 21 Fair e la 23 Light ma 3 diversi finish, Natural (N), Full Coverage (C) come la mia e Shimmer(S).

E voi, avete già ceduto ad una cushion qualcosa? Potete trovare bb/cc cream e fondotinta vari in questo formato! Fatemi sapere quali sono i vostri favoriti! IVP




It’s mournday again… It’s even more mournful after a long weekend where I did absolutely nothing except sit in front of the PC, prop my legs up and devour episodes of Masterchef while munching on potato chips and pretend that they were risotto/frittata/paella and what-nots. nom nom.

Since I clearly stewed in my own rancid atmosphere of hermit-ness for many hours, I don’t look my best today. Which is why, my beloved readers, I will be bringing out (and showing you) the creme de la creme of my BB cushion army. Yes, today, I will show you the BB cushion that has trumped even the Hera UV Mist Cushion (sorry Shin Min Ah, you know I still love you nong time – smoochies smoochies-)

Ecbuy4u Selling N21, C23

IOPE Air Cushion XP

My IOPE Air Cushion XP in C21 Cover Vanilla – KRW38,000 (comes with an extra refill)

IOPE Air Cushion XP – C21 Cover Vanilla shade

And tis time for horror movie! See how the swipe nearly blends into my skin? And notice the ahmayyzzzing glowy finish?

Isn’t the finish just ahmayyzzinngg? (sorry, bear with me as ahmayzzzing is my new catchphrase after watching too much Masterchef). Ignore the crazy dark eye circles though – as I’ve been repeating ceaselessly, I’ve been watching a lot of shows, which explains the crazy panda eyes.

I say…

You. must. buy. this. It is just ahmayzzzingg.

  • As with all BB cushions, it is lightweight and crazy easy to apply. Simply use the sponge to pick up the product and dab onto your face.

  • This one is super moist and gives a superb dewy glowy finish.

  • It gives fantastic coverage – my dark eye cirlces are about 2-3x worse than what you see in the photos.

  • There is no need to set with loose powder – the finish you see in the photos are only with nose bridge highlighter and blusher.

  • In fact, I find that it looks more cakey with loose powder, so don’t dust on any loose powder.

  • It lasts the whole day (about 6-8 hours) and is still dewy / glowy (note: not oily)

  • It is buildable and breathable and I can re-apply throughout the day without it caking.

  • It brightens up my skin (without the artificial 2-shades-too-fair effect).

  • If it helps to further cement your purchase decision, it also smells damn good.

  • I know it will sound exaggerated and vaguely ludicrous, but I swear that the first time I wore this out, more people (well, more than usual hurhurhur) turned around to check me out. yes yes, shameless plug on myself. And no, my fly wasn’t undone and I didn’t have a nose booger hanging out of my nose on that day either. I checked. hehehe.

  • At the end of the day, it’s also easy to remove (some products such as foundations require more cleansing effort).

There really isn’t much more for me to say than “BUY IT NOWWWWW”. It’s even better than the Hera one which contains clay and may not be that good for your skin (add-on: when I say not good for your skin, I forgot to mention that it absorbs oil, so if your skin is more dry, then it’ll come across as being drier. In contrast, this one adds moisture to your skin. In essence, clay is good for your skin and has been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for many centuries now). If you’re not headed to Korea anytime soon, you can buy it online from Mootta, a KBeauty and KFashion site :D They ship amazingly fast, and it comes extremely well-packed and cushioned in bubble wrap.

P.S. If your skin tone is slightly darker, you can also try out the new Sulwhasoo Evenfair Perfecting Cushion.

Added on 12 June: Since I’ve gotten a few requests asking for MAC shade comparison, I’ve managed to get my hands on some MAC products so that you can do a comparison. No colour editing done, photos taken indoors under normal sunlight.

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