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Clearance 201314


今年適逢"雙"情人節-中西情人節喜相逢,素有「中國情人節」之稱的元宵節,今年正巧與西洋情人節同日,難得的「雙重情人節」恰逢周五。祝各位有情人甜甜蜜蜜,多謝你光臨 ecbuy4u 選購你的情人節禮物。


ecbuy4u 付款帳號 Bank Account

- Paypal account: (Chi's Multimedia & Graphic Design Company)

- Bank account: 


  Bank of Communications#:027-536-9-312883-9

  A/C NAME:ecbuy4u Online Business Company




  Nanyang Commercial Bank#: 043-493-0-004566-0

  A/C NAME:Chi's Multimedia & Graphic Design Company


  HSBC#: 456-360338-833

  A/C : Yip N C


** 謹記影下存款單據,電郵給


備忘Check List:

[v] 拍下 寫上姓名和電話的存款單據 Take the photo for Bank Receipt with Name & Contact number

[v] 收貨人姓名/電話/地址  Receiver Name/delivery address/mobile number; 如付款人與收件人資料不同,敬請註明. If there are different buyer & receiver, please remark and leave us the contact information.

​[v] 訂購貨品清單-貨品名稱/訂購數量 The list of ordering-Name of products/quanity of order. 

[v] 因不同貨品供應緊張,為免誤會,請先行與店長聯絡,查詢存貨量。While stock last, please keep contact with and check the availability. 




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